Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012


In organic chemistry, Hückel rule determines a planar ring molecules have aromatic properties. This rule was proposed by the German chemist Erich Hückel in 1931.

A planar ring molecules meet Hückel rule, if it has as many as π electron-4N +2, where n is an integer.

From the data aromatics hydrogenation of alkenes are more stable than expected, the stability of the "extra" is caused by a cloud of delocalized electrons, called resonance energy. Criteria for simple aromatic compounds:

     Meet Hückel rule, have much 4N π electron cloud +2 in the delocalized p-orbital.
     Shaped planar and cyclic.
     Each atom in the ring must be able to participate in the delocalization of electrons by having a p-orbital or lone pair.

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